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Showing posts from April, 2011

How to convert visitors into buyers? (Optimize your order pages)

Statistics show that more than 60 percent of online shoppers abort the ordering process. If your order page isn't easy to use, all other website promotion efforts will be in vain.  Here are the most important points for a successful order page: • Link from the home page and from all product and service pages to the order page. • Give the links on your order page names that your customers can easily recognize: "Order", "Buy", "Store", "Checkout", etc. • Don't hide the price for your products or services. People won't buy if they don't know what they have to pay. • Tell your visitors about shipping costs and state taxes. • Tell your visitors the final price before they have to enter the credit card number. • Tell your visitors who you are and tell them your complete company address. • Offer an unconditional money-back guarantee if at all possible.

How to convert visitors into buyers? (Use the right words to increase your sales)

It's important that your web pages are interesting to your visitors. Every visitor wants to get a prompt answer to the question "what's in it for me?". In the first paragraph of your web page, you should tell your visitors the following: • what you do • why people should stay on your site • what's in it for your visitors If you don't answer these questions quickly enough, people will go away. People aren't necessarily interested in your product or in your company. You must convince your website visitors with good sales copy. Before starting to write sales copy, make sure that you know your product and that you're passionate about it. You have to fully believe in your product. If you don't, you shouldn't sell it. You cannot write convincing sales copy if you don't stand behind your product. You must be sure that you're doing your customers a favor by offering them your product. 1. What's in i

How to convert visitors into buyers? (Create trust)

Create trust       It's very important that your website visitors have trust and confidence in your company. Your customers must trust you. They won't buy from you if they don't. 1. Make sure that your web pages have a professional design Your web pages have to look perfect. If necessary, hire a professional web designer. Don't use blinking text, funny animations or flashy banners on your page. Make sure that all links on your website are intact. Don't use automatically created web pages. Some software programs allow you to automatically create pages that are "optimized" for a special keyword. These doorway pages don't work anymore on search engines (its simply spamming). In addition, human web surfers are turned away by that kind of pages. While doorway pages might look attractive to software programs, web surfers usually hate them. Automatically created doorway pages usually look ugly to human web surfers. Often, they

How to convert visitors into buyers? (Accelerate your web pages)

It's not enough to get many website visitors. If your website visitors don't buy something on your website, then your website promotion efforts will be in vain. Why do visitors sometimes not convert into sales? Follow the tips in this chapter to increase the number of visitors that will become buyers on your website. Accelerate your web pages Web surfers hate to wait for slow loading web pages. If your web pages don't load fast enough, many web surfers will go away without taking a look at them.  No matter how great your product is: if your website is not fast enough, web surfers won't see it. Fast loading web pages are crucial if you want to sell something on the Internet. There are several things you can do to speed up your site. Of course, you should make sure that your web host provides fast and reliable servers. In addition to hosting your website on a fast server, you can do the following to improve the loading time of your web pages: 1. Reduc